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عرض الرسائل ذات التصنيف الاجهزة الطبية

New Oxygenation System for Adult Cardiac Surgery

The Affinity Fusion oxygenation system is intended for use during open-heart surgical procedures that require a bloodless, motionless surgical field, as provided by cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) surgery. Among the features of the system are a proprietary fiber winding process with an interlaced pattern that efficiently filters the blood and removes particles and air, while at the same time oxygenating the blood, and smooth tubular pathways for blood to pass through and a curved venous inlet tube, both of which can reduce blood turbulence during the surgical procedure. The Affinity Fusion oxygenation system An innovative system serves as a patient’s lungs by oxygenating and removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the blood during various open-heart surgical procedures. An important feature of the Affinity Fusion is use of Balance Biosurface, a nonheparin, hydrophilic, polymer coating that provides reduced platelet activation and adhesion, and preserves platelet functi...