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What You Can Do to Prevent Kidney Stones: From What to Eat to How Much Water to Drink

What You Can Do to Prevent Kidney Stones: From What to Eat to How Much Water to Drink If you’ve had a kidney stone, you know the experience can be extremely unpleasant. Fortunately, lifestyle changes and medications are available to help you avoid developing another one, or avoid developing one in the first place if you’ve never had one. Drinking Plenty of Water Is Important for Avoiding Kidney Stones A helpful indicator that you’re drinking enough water is the color of your urine. If it’s dark yellow, you’re probably not drinking enough. “We would like the color of the urine to be as clear as possible . What You Eat Affects Your Chances of Kidney Stones, Too Limit salt intake.  A diet high in sodium can cause kidney stones by increasing the amount of calcium in your urine Reduce sugar consumption.  Food and drinks with high natural and added sugars can increase your risk of developing kidney stones. When you consume sugar, your urine ...