The psychiatric treatment of children with drugs was essentially taboo until the 1990s, possibly due to the still major influence of psychodynamic views. This attitude presented a double-sided problem: there was a disinclination to administer pharmacotherapy to children who needed it and would benefit from it and, equally concerning, there was a vocal movement for mass treatment, underscoring a profound cultural shift. The media reported this widely, for example, in the article “Paxil, Prozac, Ritalin—are these drugs safe for kids???” [1]. It was thus commonplace to read that parents and schools were just searching for a quick fix for behaviors that fell outside the “norm.” Ritalin had been available since 1954, and so perhaps the acceptance of psychopharmacology as an intervention sped the clock on the acceptability of pharmacological agents to deal with behaviors outside the new cultural norms. These treatment options claimed to offer the possibility for any child who f...
مدونة صيدلاوى | معلومات طبية | كتب طبية| تنمية بشرية - افضل خلطة لتفتيح البشرة اجمل خلطات تبيض الوجه تفتيح الوجه الاسمر العناية بالبشرة العناية بالشعر العناية بصحة الرجل الفيروسات الكتب الطبية المتلازمات الطبية النشرة الصحية باللغة العربية أمراض أنواع البشرة بارلودل برولاكتين تجميعة OTC كاملة تحاليل طبية تخسيس سؤال واجابة صحة الطفل baby health صحة المرأة علاج النحافة علاجات سقوط الشعر فواتح الشهية دواء كتب طبية مستحضرات التجميل معلومات دوائية مقالات نظام تغذية وصفات طبيعية لجمالك