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عرض الرسائل ذات التصنيف pharmacology

Historical Perspectives on Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology

The psychiatric treatment of children with drugs was essentially taboo until the 1990s, possibly due to the still major influence of psychodynamic views. This attitude presented a double-sided problem: there was a disinclination to administer pharmacotherapy to children who needed it and would benefit from it and, equally concerning, there was a vocal movement for mass treatment, underscoring a profound cultural shift. The media reported this widely, for example, in the article “Paxil, Prozac, Ritalin—are these drugs safe for kids???” [1]. It was thus commonplace to read that parents and schools were just searching for a quick fix for behaviors that fell outside the “norm.” Ritalin had been available since 1954, and so perhaps the acceptance of psychopharmacology as an intervention sped the clock on the acceptability of pharmacological agents to deal with behaviors outside the new cultural norms. These treatment options claimed to offer the possibility for any child who f...

lippincott's books

lippincott's Books  lippincott's books 1-pharmacology http://www.mediafire.com/…/lipincotts_pharmacology_6th_ed_.… 2-biochemistry http://www.mediafire.com/…/jsa…/Biochemistry_5th_Edition.rar 3-microbiology http://www.mediafire.com/…/lippincotts-microbiology-3rd-edi… 4-immunology http://www.mediafire.com/downl…/c432p6a15936q99/Lippincott&… Clinical Dermatology: A Color Guide to Diagnosis and Therapy (Hardcover)   Pregnancy Notes: Before, During & After Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine Oxford Handbook of Clinical Diagnosis Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine Kumar & Clark's Clinical Medicine 8th Edition - Mixed Media Short Cases in Clinical Exams of Internal Medicine Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine Snell's Clinical Anatomy by Regions Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Twentieth Edition (Vol.1 & Vol .2)

The Best Books of pharmacology

 The Best Books of pharmacology 1-CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY MADE RIDICULOUSLY SIMPLE http://www.mediafire.com/…/CLINICAL_PHARMACOLOGY_MADE_RIDIC… 2-Essentials of Medical Pharmacology, 6th Edition- Dr.Alshareifi http://www.mediafire.com/…/Essentials_of_Medical_Pharmacolo… 3-Pharmacology 4th Edition (Brenner & Stevens) http://www.mediafire.com/…/Pharmacology_4th_Edition_(Brenne… 4-pharmacology 577 rewiews questions http://www.mediafire.com/…/pharmacology_577_rewiews_questio… 5-principles of pharmacology- the pathophysiologic basis of drug therapy http://www.mediafire.com/…/principles_of_pharmacology-_the_… 6-Rapid Clinical Pharmacology, A Student Formulary - Batchelder, Andrew http://www.mediafire.com/…/Rapid_Clinical_Pharmacology,_A_S… 7-Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 12th Edition (JAAFAR_KHALEEL) http://www.mediafire.com/…/Basic_&_Clinical_Pharmacology_12… 8-clinical drug data http://www.mediafire.com/...

مريض كبد بيرجع دم .. من أكتر الاعراض انتشار esophageal_varices | inderal

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم مريض كبد بيرجع دم .. من أكتر الاعراض انتشار .. ومن اكترها خطورة .. حالة طوارئ من الاخر ممنوع منعا باتا ندي للمريض ده محلول ملح !!!! ممنوع اصلا ان المريض ده يأكل اكتر من 2 gm ملح في اليوم !!!! البطل الى بيمنع مريض الكبد من الوصول لمرحلةhematemesis (ترجيع دم ) وما يليها من مضاعفات كتير دوا مشهور اسمه Inderal .. بيشتغل اصلا ع القلب .. تحديدا بيقلل ضربات القلب !!!!! ... ازاى وليه ؟؟؟؟ تعالوا نحل شوية الفوازير دول .. الي بجد مهمين جداااا لاي مريض كبد ( شفاهم الله ) مبدئيا مريض الكبد لو بيشتكى من ترجيع دم .. الموضوع ده له اكتر من سبب فى البوست ده انا هتكلم بإذن الله عن السبب الأكثر خطورة وانتشار في نفس الوقت ال  esophageal_varices أو دوالى_المرئ ايه علاقة المرئ بالكبد .. ويعني ايه دوالى في المرئ.. تعالوا نفكر صح *كل الtissues في الجسم بيوصلها دم من القلب عن طريق شريان ويرجع للقلب تاني عن طريق وريد (دايرة مغلقة ) الدم بيخرج من القلب في شريان الاورطى ويرجع للقلب في ال vena cava *المرئ أو ال esophagus بقى صاحب_مزاج .. متقسم جزئين .. (سبحان ...

Sofosbuvir علاج فيرس سي

علاج فيرس سي المحتمل نزوله الشهر المقبل بمصر بتكلمفة 900 دولار لمدة 12 اسبوع  FDA Approves Sovaldi ® - On 6th December 2013, The U. S . Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Sov aldi ® (sofosbuvir) 400 mg tablets, a once - daily oral nucleotide analogue polymerase inhibitor for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) infection as a component of a combination antiviral treatment regimen . Eff icacy - E fficacy has been established in subjects wit h hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes 1, 2, 3 or 4 infections , and to treat HCV and HIV co-infected patients. - The combination therapy includes either riba virin (RBV) alone or Ribavirin and peg-interfero n (PEG-IFN) alfa. Drug categ ory   - Sofosbuvir acts a gainst HCV and is categorized as a Direct-Acting Antiviral agent (DAA). HCV ge no types   - Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major cause of chronic liver disease, with an estimated 170 million people infec...

Why is it More Difficult to Treat Gram Negative Bacteria

Why is it More Difficult to Treat Gram Negative Bacteria Different types of bacteria can be classified into three groups depending upon the thickness of their cell wall. Gram-positive bacteria Gram-negative bacteria Acid fast Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria can be differentiated easily by gram staining echnique. Treatment It is difficult to treat gram-negative bacteria in comparison to gram-positive bacteria due to following reasons. 1. There is a membrane present around the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria which increases the risk of toxicity to the host but this membrane is absent in gram-positive bacteria. 2. Porin channels are present in gram-negative bacteria which can prevent the entry of harmful chemicals and antibiotics like penicillin. These channels can also expel out antibiotics making much more difficult to treat in comparison to gram-positive bacteria. 3. The risk of resistance against antibiotics is more in Gram-negative ...


Pantoprazole (sold under various brand names including Somac, Tecta, Pantoloc, Protium, Protonix, Pantecta, Pantoheal, Pantpas, Ppi-40, and Neoppi) is a proton pump inhibitor drug that inhibits gastric acid secretion.   Use: Pantoprazole is used for short-term treatment of erosion and ulceration of the esophagus caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease. Initial treatment is generally of eight weeks' duration, after which another eight week course of treatment may be considered if necessary. It can be used as a maintenance therapy for long term use after initial response is obtained.

Sites of action of the major classes of antihypertensive drugs

Sites of action of the major classes of anti-hypertensive drugs Sites of action of the major classes of antihypertensive drugs