Risk of thrombosis: Another reason to avoid sitting Image via Wikipedia ( source ) I am sure by now you have all heard the messages to avoid your chair and the increased risk of premature death it may be kindly bestowing on you. Indeed there are slogans out there such as “ your chair is sending you to an early grave ”, “ make a stand ”, “ sitting is the new smoking ” and big corporations that promote this important rapidly evolving area of research – that is the study of the health consequences of “ too much sitting ”. What do we know? It’s important to appreciate that these messages about the hazards of sitting are not entirely new – as early as the 1950’s physicians were advocating breaks from sitting. Homans (1954) suggested that the “Such matters are important enough to suggest the advisability of making movement of the toes, feet and lower legs when one is sitting for long periods and of getting up and exercising when opportunity offers.” Such recommendations were ...
مدونة صيدلاوى | معلومات طبية | كتب طبية| تنمية بشرية - افضل خلطة لتفتيح البشرة اجمل خلطات تبيض الوجه تفتيح الوجه الاسمر العناية بالبشرة العناية بالشعر العناية بصحة الرجل الفيروسات الكتب الطبية المتلازمات الطبية النشرة الصحية باللغة العربية أمراض أنواع البشرة بارلودل برولاكتين تجميعة OTC كاملة تحاليل طبية تخسيس سؤال واجابة صحة الطفل baby health صحة المرأة علاج النحافة علاجات سقوط الشعر فواتح الشهية دواء كتب طبية مستحضرات التجميل معلومات دوائية مقالات نظام تغذية وصفات طبيعية لجمالك