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عرض الرسائل ذات التصنيف Heart Diseases

Guidelines for treatment of heart failure

Guidelines for treatment of heart failure: 1. Treatment of the underlying etiology. 2. Treatment of the precipitating factors. 3. Treatment specific to the syndrome of HF: • Decreasing the cardiac load: a. Rest: physical and emotional. b. Reduction of preload: Diet control, especially salt restriction. Diuretics. Vasodilators. c. Reduction of afterload: Vasodilators. • Decreasing the myocardial damage: o Beta blockers. • Increasing the myocardial contractility: a. Digitalis. b. Other inotropic agents: o Sympathomimetic amines: dopamine & dobutamine. o Phosphodiestrase inhibitors: amrinone & milrinone. • Resynchronizing the ventricles: "CRT" o In patients with cardiomyopathy who have the problem of : Intraventricular conduction delay or bundle branch block • Symptomatic treatment: a. For hypoxemia: oxygen administration. b. For cardiac dyspnea: aminophylline administration. 4. Treatment of the refractory heart failure. 5. Trea...

Recommendations of Aspirin for Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease

Recommendations for Aspirin Use to Control Existing Cardiovascular Disease Aspirin can be beneficial to individuals who already have experienced a heart attack, stroke, angina or peripheral vascular disease, or have had certain procedures such as angioplasty or bypass. Doctors may recommend aspirin use for persons with these conditions unless there is another medical reason why these individuals should not take aspirin. Because aspirin may not be the most effective therapy for everyone, other anti-platelet medicines may be used instead of aspirin or along with aspirin. As with all medications, patients with cardiovascular disease should first speak with their health care provider to learn about the benefits and potential harms of aspirin therapy for them. Providers should be aware that recommendations on size of dose and length of treatment may vary among organizations and by disease     Recommendations for Aspirin Use to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease ...