New Research Sheds Light on Breast Cancer Prognosis FRIDAY, May 22 -- Two new studies have found that levels of the protein caveolin-1 found in stromal connective tissue near a breast cancer tumor can accurately predict a patient's prognosis and may provide a pathway to future treatments. display_ad(3); window.google_render_ad(); Low levels of caveolin-1, which plays a role in how cells absorb things, in the stromal cells were linked to a poor patient outcome in a study by Dr. Agnieszka K. Witkiewicz, from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, and colleagues. The findings are published in the June issue of the American Journal of Pathology. The second study, in the same issue of the journal, found that a similar lack of stromal caveolin-1 in mice was associated with more aggressive tumor growth in the rodents, according to Erica K. Sloan, from the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in East Melbourne, Australia, and colleagues. The findings led Sloan's research team to hypothe...
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