التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

General Principles Of Pharmacology

In general terms, pharmacology is the science of drug action on biological systems. In its entirety, pharmacology embraces knowledge of the sources, chemical properties, and biological effects and therapeutic uses of drugs. It is a science that is basic not only to medicine, but also to pharmacy, nursing, dentistry and veterinary medicine. Pharmacology over years has integrated with other medical and basic sciences like physiology, biochemistry, and pathology that it is very difficult to draw lines among them. Pharmacological studies range from those that examine the effects of chemical agents on sub cellular mechanisms, to those that deal with the potential hazards of pesticides and herbicides, to those that focus on the treatment and prevention of major diseases with drug therapy. Pharmacologists also use molecular modeling and computerized design as drug discovery tools to understand cell function. New pharmacological areas include the genomic and proteomics approaches for therapeutic treatments.
Pharmacology is the study of the nature, actions and uses of drugs. A drug is any substance that is given to humans or animals with the intention of changing the state of body functioning: for example to relieve pain, treat cancer, eliminate infection or improve health in any way or to investigate the functions of the body. However the work of pharmacologists is mainly concerned with mechanisms of drug action. Toxicology is an important component of the Pharmacology discipline like another side of a coin . Toxicology is the study of the harmful effects of chemicals on living organisms. Toxic substances include certain drugs, pesticides, heavy metals, plant and microbial toxins and many organic chemicals. Such substances may have an adverse effect on the health of humans and as well living beings.
The drugs being chemical entities are likely to interact with chemicals (biochemical’s) found in our body. The study of such interaction is called as pharmacodynamics and how the drug molecules are going to be absorbed, distributed, metabolized and eliminated is the domain of pharmacokinetics. We can briefly describe Pharmacodynamics is what the drug does to the body and pharmacokinetics is what body does to the drug.
Other important areas of pharmacology are Pharmacoepdimelogy, Pharmacoeconomics, Biotechnology, Pharmacogenentics and Pharmacogenomic.:
Pharmacoepdimelogy is the study of drugs in populations;
Pharmacoeconomics,a branch of health economics aiming to quantify the cost benefits of therapeutics in economic terms.
Biotechnology contributing to biomedical area mainly by use of recombinant DNA and related technologies for manufacture of therapeutic proteins, diagnosis, genotyping, transgenic animals etc.
Pharmacogenentics refers to the study of inherited differences (variation) in drug metabolism and response.
Pharmacogenomic refers to the general study of all of the many different genes that determine drug behavior.
Thus, among many other things, pharmacologists are involved in the discovery and development of new drugs, their testing, marketing, surveillance and regulation, and in providing information about drugs.


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