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Harm Reduction 2009: Programme Focus on Alcohol

In December 2008, the ‘Executive Programme Committee’ for Harm Reduction 2009: IHRA’s 20th International Conference met to review the 900 abstracts that had been submitted from all over the world, and to create the conference programme. The result is another high quality, comprehensive programme which covers a range of different harm reduction interventions and approaches – for all psychoactive drugs, including alcohol.Whereas the previous IHRA conference (Harm Reduction 2008 in Barcelona) featured the ‘4th International Conference on Alcohol and Harm Reduction’ as a side-event on the opening day, the conference organisers were keen to increase the alcohol focus in the main programme for 2009. We received over 60 abstracts this year relating to alcohol harm reduction and, as such, have been able to include a number of sessions on this important issue. The programme highlights (subject to confirmation) include:
Plenary Session presentations from the UN Special Rapporteurs on the Right to Health, and on Torture
A Major Session describing ‘An Analysis of Drinking Patterns in Four Asian Countries’ – showcasing groundbreaking regional research conducted by the International Center for Alcohol Policies and their partners, and including presentations from experts from China, Korea, Thailand and the Philippines.
A session on ‘Alcohol Policies and Social Marketing: Changing Drinking Cultures’ – featuring presentations from Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Argentina.
A session on ‘Alcohol Issues and Interventions’ – featuring presentations from China, New Zealand, Zambia and Papua New Guinea.
Harm Reduction 2009 is scheduled to take place from the 20th to the 23rd April in Bangkok, Thailand. Since 1990, these conferences have been held around the world and have become key events for the harm reduction field. They have helped to put harm reduction on the map and to coordinate advances, innovations, evidence and advocacy in this field. Please visit the conference website – www.ihraconferences.net – for more information, including the draft programme in full, delegate fees, online registration, travel and accommodation.


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