التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

What are the sources of caffeine?

Caffeine is naturally found in certain leaves, seeds, and fruits of over 60 plants worldwide. The most common sources in our diet are coffee, tea leaves, cocoa beans, cola, and energy drinks. Caffeine can also be produced synthetically and added to food, beverages, supplements, and medications. Product labels are required to list caffeine in the ingredients but are not required to list the actual amounts of the substance. A low to moderate intake is 130 to 300 mg of caffeine per day, while heavy caffeine consumption corresponds to more than 6,000 mg/day. It is estimated that the average daily caffeine consumption among Americans is about 280 mg/day, while 20% to 30% consume more than 600 mg daily. The caffeine content in some common sources of caffeine are listed below:

Sources of Caffeine
Caffeine Content

Plain, brewed 8 oz
135 mg
Instant 8 oz
95 mg
Espresso 1 oz
30-50 mg
Plain, decaffeinated 8 oz
5 mg

Green tea
8 oz
25-40 mg
Black tea 8 oz
40-70 mg
Soft Drinks

Coca-Cola Classic 12 oz
34.5 mg
Diet Coke 12 oz
46.5 mg
Dr. Pepper 12 oz
42 mg
Mountain Dew 12 oz
55.5 mg
Pepsi-Cola 12 oz
37.5 mg
Sunkist Orange 12 oz
42 mg
Energy Drink

Full Throttle, 16 oz
144 mg
Red Bull, 8.5 oz
80 mg
SoBe No Fear
158 mg
Chocolates or Candies

Candy, milk chocolate 1 bar (1.5 oz)
9 mg
Candy, sweet chocolate 1 bar (1.45 oz)
27 mg
Cocoa mix, powder 3 tsp
5 mg
Puddings, chocolate, ready-to-eat 4 oz
9 mg
Medicine: Over the Counter

65 mg
Bayer Select Maximum Strength
65.4 mg
Midol Menstrual Maximum Strength
60 mg
NoDoz 100 mg
32.4 mg
Pain Reliever Tablets
65 mg
200 mg
There are many products that may contain caffeine without your awareness. Be sure to read the label to see if caffeine is listed among the ingredients.


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

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