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Sinus Attack!

Sinus Attack!

 Pain in the forehead or between the eyes? Upper teeth ache? Face feeling full, nose stuffy and congested? One of the most common reasons for visits to a doctor's office: sinus problems and sinus-related symptoms.
Sinuses: Air Spaces in Your Head

Sinuses are air spaces in your skull lined with mucous membranes. You have four sets of nasal sinuses:

two frontal sinuses in the forehead above the eyes
two maxillary sinuses, one inside each cheek bone (dark triangles seen in this CAT scan)
ethmoid sinuses: a beehive of 18 to 22 cavities behind the bridge of the nose (also shown here)
sphenoid sinuses, behind the nose and underneath the brain

Sinuses are like fingerprints; everybody's are different.
What Is Sinusitis?

Tiny, hair-like structures called cilia (magnified here) help move mucus across sinus membranes and toward an exit. All of your sinus cavities connect to your nose to allow a free exchange of air and mucus. Infections or allergies make sinus tissues inflamed, red, and swollen. That's called sinusitis.
Stuffy, Puffy, and Sore

Sinusitis causes many symptoms. Most people have a stuffy nose and pain or pressure in several locations around the face or teeth. There's usually a nasal discharge that may be yellow, green, or clear. Other symptoms may include fatigue, decreased sense of smell and/or taste, cough, sore throat, bad breath, headache, pain on bending forward, and fever.
Nasal Decongestants: Relief, at a Cost

These sprays open swollen nasal passages and allow your sinuses to drain. That can be helpful, especially during the worst days of a cold or during air travel. But you should use these drugs only for a few days. After that, there's a kick-back effect, making your nasal passages swell shut again. Decongestants are not indicated for chronic use. Oral decongestants may help, but also have side effects. Better solutions for acute sinus symptoms: nasal steroid sprays or saline sprays or washes. If symptoms persist, see your doctor. Chronic sinus symptoms may be caused by a deviated septum or another treatable condition.
Antibiotics Usually Not Needed

The common cold is a viral infection. Colds can lead to sinusitis symptoms, but these usually clear by themselves. Antibiotics do not treat viruses, so they won't help the sinus symptoms of a cold. Cold symptoms end in seven to 14 days. Usually, cold-related sinusitis goes away then, too.

Shown here is a magnified, color-enhanced image of a rhinovirus pathogen responsible for the common cold.


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