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What Is Biotin

Biotin is a form of vitamin B, present in many foods and available as a supplement.
Biotin is sold under many names, including Appearex, vitamin B7, vitamin H, biotina, biotine, and coenzyme R.
Many multivitamins and B-vitamin supplements also contain biotin.
Biotin works by breaking down food into sugar that your body can use for energy.
Biotin is important for healthy skin and nails, and it also keeps your eyes, liver, and nervous system working properly.
During pregnancy, biotin is important for normal fetal development.
Biotin is not stored in the body. Because of this, you can become low on biotin if you don't get enough in your diet.
Although biotin deficiency is rare, it can develop during pregnancy or in people who have poor nutrition or experience rapid weight loss.
Symptoms of biotin deficiency include hair loss, dry skin, a scaly rash around the eyes or mouth, dry eyes, fatigue, and depression.
Many people take biotin supplements in hopes of treating hair loss, cradle cap in infants, and brittle nails.
Some people also take biotin supplements to treat diabetes and nerve pain associated with diabetes, although there is not much evidence to support this type of use.
Some research also suggests that a deficiency in nutrients that include biotin could contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes.
Two 2012 studies found that biotin improved the blood sugar and insulin levels of people with type 2 diabetes when they took it along with chromium supplements.
The researchers concluded that taking biotin supplements may be beneficial for both people with diabetes and those who are obese.

Biotin for Hair

Biotin is a popular supplement for hair, skin, and fingernails, though there is little evidence to suggest that taking biotin supplements can stop hair loss or stimulate hair or nail growth. 
Similarly, using biotin shampoo or other hair products is unlikely to produce any benefit.
There is some evidence that taking biotin supplements with other medications may help control hair loss that's associated with childhood alopecia. 

Biotin Warnings

Always check with your doctor before taking any supplement. Some conditions and medications can cause low levels of biotin.
Tell your doctor if you are:
  • On dialysis
  • Smoke cigarettes
  • Eat two or more raw egg whites daily
  • Take medications for seizures
  • Have been on a long-term course of antibiotics
Biotin is a safe vitamin that is unlikely to cause side effects.
Nonetheless, before taking biotin supplements, tell your doctor if you are pregnant, may become pregnant, or are breastfeeding.
Do not give biotin to a child without talking to your doctor first.
Also, ask your doctor if biotin might interact with any other medications you take.


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