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BIOFREEZE - menthol spray Performance Health LLC

BIOFREEZE  - menthol spray 

Performance Health LLC

Disclaimer: Most OTC drugs are not reviewed and approved by FDA, however they may be marketed if they comply with applicable regulations and policies. FDA has not evaluated whether this product complies.


Biofreeze Pain Relieving Spray

Active Ingredients:

Natural Menthol USP 10%


  Cooling Pain Reliever


Temporary relief from minor aches and pains of sore muscles and joints associated with: -arthritis - backache - strains - sprains


For external use only


Keep away from excessive heat or open flame

Ask a doctor before use if you have:

sensitive skin

When Using This Product:

 -Avoid contact with the eyes or mucous membranes - Do not apply to wounds or damages skin  -Do not use with other ointments, creams, sprays or liniments -Do not apply to irritated  skin or if excessive irritation develops -Do not bandage - Wash hands after use with cool water -Do not use with heating pad or device

Stop Use And Ask A Doctor If:

Condition worsens, or if symptoms persist for more than 7 days, or clear up and reoccur

If pregnant or breastfeeding:

Ask a health professional before use.

Keep out of reach of children:

If accidentally ingested, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center immediately.


 - Adults and children 12 years of age and older:
Spray on to the affected areas not more than 4 times daily; massage not necessary.

- Children under 12 years of age: Consult physician

Other Information:

Store in a cool dry place with lid closed tightly

Inactive Ingredients:

Arnica Montana, Calendula,Chamomile, Dimethyl Sulfone (MSM), Echinacea, Ethanol,  Lex Paraguarenis, Isopropyl Myristate, Juniper Berry, Purified Water USP, White Tea

Questions or Comments?

SPRAY for arthritis, back pain, sore muscles and joints BIOFREEZE COLD THERAPY PAIN RELIEF   SOOTHING MENTHOL - VANISHING SCENT -  PARABEN-FREE 4fl oz / 118 mL  NO NSAIDS, IBUPROFEN, ASPIRIN OR SALICYLATE  Manufactured in the U.S.A. No Animal Testing

Product Label

Biofreeze Pain Relieving Spray

Biofreeze Pain Relieving Spray


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