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Dermatologic, Cosmeceutic, and Cosmetic Development: Therapeutic and Novel Approaches

Dermatologic, Cosmeceutic, and Cosmetic Development: Therapeutic and Novel Approaches

December 13, 2007 by CRC Press
Reference - 648 Pages - 100 B/W Illustrations
ISBN 9780849375897

Dermatologic, Cosmeceutic, and Cosmetic Development: Therapeutic and Novel Approaches


Dermatological and Cosmetic Development will examine
Dermatologic, Cosmeceutic, and Cosmetic Development: Therapeutic and Novel Approaches

Dermatologic, Cosmeceutic, and Cosmetic Development

  • the efficiency and delivery of topical therapies - including various pharmaceutical therapies
  • an overview of the range of skin disorders, drugs used to manage the disorders, and the site where the effect is sought
  • how percutaneous absorption is affected by age, skin, site, race, skin disease and damage and product form
  • major skin diseases and injuries pertaining to wounds and burns with particular emphasis on novel treatment approaches

    Dermatologic, Cosmeceutic, and Cosmetic Development: Therapeutic and Novel Approaches

  • Clinical Dermatology: A Color Guide to Diagnosis and Therapy (Hardcover)
  •  Pregnancy Notes: Before, During & After
  • Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine
  • Oxford Handbook of Clinical Diagnosis
  • Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine
  • Kumar & Clark's Clinical Medicine 8th Edition - Mixed Media
  • Short Cases in Clinical Exams of Internal Medicine
  • Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine
  • Snell's Clinical Anatomy by Regions
  • Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Twentieth Edition (Vol.1 & Vol.2)

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