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Pharmacy Practice Manual- A Guide To The Clinical Experience, 4th Edition

Pharmacy Practice Manual- A Guide To The Clinical Experience, 4th Edition

Boh'S Pharmacy Practice Manual- A Guide To The Clinical Experience, 4th Edition By Susan M. Stein
Boh'S Pharmacy Practice Manual- A Guide To The Clinical Experience, 4th Edition By Susan M. Stein

  • Book Name: Boh'S Pharmacy Practice Manual- A Guide To The Clinical Experience, 4th Edition

  • Author: Susan M. Stein
  • ISBN: 9781451189674
  • Publisher: Lww
  • Book Language: English

    Thoroughly revised for its Fourth Edition, this pocket-sized manual is created for students to use during rotations in PharmD programs, and also provides a wealth of crucial information for new practitioners. Boh’s istheclinical clerkship manual designed specifically for pharmacy students and pharmacists new to the field, helping students and new practitioners move from dispensing medications to establishing relationships with patients and improving the understanding of pharmacotherapeutics in a patient-centered setting. The new fourth edition features:

     • NEW color format that makes educational images pop
     • NEW table of contents presenting better structural organization: text is streamlined and efficient
     • Textual updates reflect practice and market changes
     • Expanded calculation coverage
     • A high-level discussion of medication therapy management
     • Lists, tables, and boxes that present high-yield material needed for day-to-day clinical work

  • Pharmacy Practice Manual- A Guide To The Clinical Experience, 4th Edition

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