Tell Children the Truth About Drinking After years of debate, the U.S. government has finally decided that alcohol can be beneficial. Federal dietary recommendations, revised every five years, now indicate that moderate drinking lowers the risk of heart disease. The dietary guidelines note that such "beverages have been used to enhance the enjoyment of meals throughout human history. There is both old and new information in this statement. We all know that many Americans drink only occasionally or lightly at meals and social occasions. They know when to quit, don't misbehave when they drink and enjoy the taste and sensations of alcohol without going overboard. Most of us are also aware that people in different cultures handle alcohol differently. In Mediterranean societies -- Italy, Spain, Portugal -- alcohol is consumed in the form of wine, usually at meals, by family members of all ages. Even small children are served wine on special occasion& Many Euro...
مدونة صيدلاوى | معلومات طبية | كتب طبية| تنمية بشرية - افضل خلطة لتفتيح البشرة اجمل خلطات تبيض الوجه تفتيح الوجه الاسمر العناية بالبشرة العناية بالشعر العناية بصحة الرجل الفيروسات الكتب الطبية المتلازمات الطبية النشرة الصحية باللغة العربية أمراض أنواع البشرة بارلودل برولاكتين تجميعة OTC كاملة تحاليل طبية تخسيس سؤال واجابة صحة الطفل baby health صحة المرأة علاج النحافة علاجات سقوط الشعر فواتح الشهية دواء كتب طبية مستحضرات التجميل معلومات دوائية مقالات نظام تغذية وصفات طبيعية لجمالك